Fall Seminars 2016

Seminars Series - Fall 2016

The seminars will be held in the Seminary Hall at Santa Teresa Campus at 12:00hrs.

 August 12Jonathan DingellChicago BoothHow Segregated is Urban Consumption?
 August 25 -26

ITAM-PIER Conference on Macroeconomics

ITAM-PIER Conference on Macroeconomics

ITAM-PIER Conference on Macroeconomics

 September 2

Ryota Iijima

Yale UniversityComparative Measures of Naivete

September 9

Eduardo Azevedo

University of Pennsylvania

Market Failure in Kidney Exchange

 September 23Ricardo Perez TrugliaUCLAThe Effects of Income Transparency on Well-Being: Evidence from a Natural Experiment.
 September 30Alberto Abadie MITEndogenous Stratification in Randomized Experiments
 October 7

David Cooper


The Types They Are a-Changin: An Experimental Study of Persistence of Types in Level-k Models

 October 14

Simon Board

 October 21

George Alessandria

University of Rochester

The Dynamics of the U.S. Trade Balance and Real Exchange Rate: The J Curve and Trade Costs?

 October 28

Narayana Kocherlakota

University of Rochester

Fragility of Purely Real Macroenomic Models

 November 4Mehmet EkmekciBoston College

Reputation and Screening in a Noisy Environment with Irreversible Actions

 November 11Steven TrejoUT Austin

The Generational Progress of Mexican Americans

 November 18Adam StoreygardTuftsThe Global Spatial Distribution of Economic Activity: Nature, History, and the Role of Trade
 November 25

Emanuel Vespa

 December 1

Andres Fernandez


Bond Finance, Bank Credit, and Aggregate Fluctuations in an Open Economy




Comentarios: cie_itam@itam.mx