1. Mai Hassan, Horacio Larreguy and Stuart Russell. “Who Gets Hired? Political Patronage and Bureaucratic Favoritism”. ,American Political Science Review. Forthcoming.
2. Enrique Alasino, María José Ramírez, Mauricio Romero, Norbert Schady, David Uribe. "Learning losses during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Mexico", Economic of Education Review Volume 98, February 2024.
3. José Ramón Enríquez, Horacio Larreguy, John Marshall, and Alberto Simpser. “Mass Political Information on Social Media: Facebook Ads, Electorate Saturation, and Electoral Accountability in Mexico”. ,Journal of the European Economic Association. Forthcoming.
4. Andrei Gomberg, Romans Pancs, Tridib Sharma. "Padding and Pruning: Gerrymandering Under Turnout Heterogeneity",Forthcoming at Social Choice and Welfare.
5. Mauricio Romero, Juan Bedoya, Monica Yanez-Pagans, Marcela Silveyra, Rafael de Hoyos. " The effect of school grants on test scores: experimental evidence from Mexico", Economica,Volume91, Issue363, July 2024 Pages 980-995
6. Abhijeet Singh, Mauricio Romero and Karthik Muralidharan, " COVID-19 L earning loss and recovery. Panel data evidence from India.", The Journal of Human Resources. Vol. 59, Issue 3, 1 May 2024.
7. Horacio Larreguy and Shelley Liu. “When does education increase political participation? Evidence from Senegal”, Political Science Research and Methods , Volume 12 , Issue 2 , April 2024 , pp. 354 – 371.
8. Anastasia Kozyreva, Philipp Lorenz-Spreen, Stefan M. Herzog, Ullrich K. H. Ecker, Stephan Lewandowsky, Ralph Hertwig, Ayesha Ali, Joe Bak-Coleman, Sarit Barzilai, Melisa Basol, Adam J. Berinsky, Cornelia Betsch, John Cook, Lisa K. Fazio, Michael Geers, Andrew M. Guess, Haifeng Huang, Horacio Larreguy, Rakoen Maertens, Folco Panizza, Gordon Pennycook, David G. Rand, Steve Rathje, Jason Reifler, Philipp Schmid, Mark Smith, Briony Swire-Thompson, Paula Szewach, Sander van der Linden & Sam Wineburg. "Toolbox of individual-level interventions against online misinformation, Nature Human Behaviour, Forthcoming.
9. Jackson Dorsey, Ashley Langer, and Shaun McRae. "Fueling Alternatives: Gas Station Choice and the Implications for Electric Charging"., American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Forthcoming.
10. Romans Pancs and Tridib Sharma. "One Man, One Vote", accepted at the American Economis Journal: Microeconomics. Fothcoming.
11. Karthik Muralidharan, Mauricio Romero and Kaspar Wüthrich, "Factorial designs, model selection, and (incorrect) inference in randomized experiments", Forthcoming at The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023.
12. Raul Prelleso,José María Da Rocha, María L.D. Palomares,U. Rashid Sumaila and Sebastian Villasante. "Building climate resilience, social sustainability and equity in global fisheries.", Nature portfolio Journal. Forthcoming.
13. Jeremy Bowles and Horacio Larreguy, "Who Debates, Who Wins? At-Scale Experimental Evidence on the Supply of Policy Information in a Liberian Election. ", Forthcoming at the American Political Science Review.
14. Romans Pancs. " A Vaccine Auction", Review of Economic Design, Forthcoming.
15. Paola Manzini, Marco Mariotti and Levent Ülkü, “A model of approval with an application to list design”,Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 217, April 2024.
16. Jackson Dorsey, Ashley Langer and Shaun McRae, “Fueling Alternatives: Gas Station Choice and the Implications for Electric Charging”, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Forthcoming.
17. Karthik Muralidharan, Mauricio Romero, Kaspar Wüthrich, “Factorial Designs, Model Selection, and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments”, The Reveiw of Economics and Statics. Forthcoming.
18. Emilio Gutiérrez, Adrían Rubli, “LGBT+ persons and homophobia prevalence across job sectors: Survey evidence from Mexico”, Labour Economics, Volume 87, April 2024.
19. Sandra Aguilar-Gómez, Emilio Gutiérrez, David Heres, David Jaume and Martin Tobal, “Thermal stress and financial distress: Extreme temperatures and firms’ loan defaults in Mexico", Journal of Development Economics, Volume 168, May 2024.
20. Antonio Aguierre & Ignacio Lobato, "Evidence of non-fundamentalness in OECD capital stocks", Empirical Economics, Forthcoming (2024).
21. Alexander Elbittar, Andrei Gomberg and Dario Trujano Ochoa, "Citizen Candidates in the Lab: Rules, Costs, and Positions", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Forthcoming.