22-01. Jackson Dorsey, Ashley Langer & Shaun McRae. "Fueling Alternatives: Gas Station Choice and the Implications for Electric Charging". National Bureau Economic Research, Working paper 29831, March 2022.


22-02. Lucas W. Davis, Shaun McRae, Enrique Seira. "The competitive effects of entry in the deregulated Mexican gasoline market". March 2022.


22-03. Markus Jokela, Jaakko Meriläinen, Janne Tukiainen, and Åsa von Schoultz. "Personality Traits and Cognitive Ability in in Political Selection." Aboa Centre Discussion Paper No. 152. 2022.


22-04. Gutiérrez, Emilio, Jaakko Meriläinen, and Antonio M. Ponce de León. "Worth a Shot? The Political Economy of Government Responsiveness in Times of Crisis" Working Paper, September 7, 2022.


22-05. Meriläinen, Jaakko and Matti Mitrunen. "The loser’s long curse: electoral consequences of a class conflict." WIDER Working Paper 2022/163. December 2022.