21-01. Alexander Elbittar, Andrei Gomberg, Dario Trujano-Ochoa, Citizen Candidates in a Lab.
21-02. Diego Jiménez-Hernández Enrique Seira, "Should the Government Sell You Goods? Evidence from the Milk Market in Mexico", January 4, 2021.
21-03. Jaako Merilainen, Matti Mitrunen y Tuomo Virkola. "The Violent Origins of Finnish Equality". 15 de junio de 2021.
21-04. Rafael Hortala-Vallve, Jaakko Meriläinen y Janne Tukiainen, "Pre-Electoral Coalitions: Insights into the Boundaries of Political Parties", 26 de mayo de 2021.
21-05. Torun Dewan, Christopher Kam, Jaakko Merilainen y Jane Tukiainen, "Class, Social Mobility, and Voting: Evidence from Historical Voting Records", 4 de enero de 2021.
21-07. Christian Johansson, Anders Kärnä y Jaakko Meriläinen. "Vox Populi, Vox Dei? Colusión tácita en la política", 21 de junio de 2021.
21-08. Jaakko Meriläinen y Jane Tukiainen. "The Advantage of Incumbents in Coalitional Bargaining". 1 de enero de 2021.
21.09 Arturo Aguilar y Marta Vicarelli, "El Niño and children: medium-term effects of early-life weather shocks on cognitive and health outcomes", Revise & Resubmit at World Development. Latest version: June 2021.
21-10 Cristian Sanchez, Paulo Bastos "The Effects of Educated Leaders on Policy and Politics: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Brazil.", submitted, October 1,2021.
21-11 21-10 Cristian Sanchez, Gabriel Cañedo Riedel, "Supply-side Response to Targeted Vouchers". submitted, October 6, 2021.