21-01. Alexander Elbittar, Andrei Gomberg, Dario Trujano-Ochoa, Citizen Candidates in a Lab.

21-02. Diego Jiménez-Hernández Enrique Seira, "Should the Government Sell You Goods? Evidence from the Milk Market in Mexico", January 4, 2021.

21-03. Jaako Merilainen, Matti Mitrunen y Tuomo Virkola. "The Violent Origins of Finnish Equality". 15 de junio de 2021.

21-04. Rafael Hortala-Vallve, Jaakko Meriläinen y Janne Tukiainen, "Pre-Electoral Coalitions: Insights into the Boundaries of Political Parties", 26 de mayo de 2021.

21-05. Torun Dewan, Christopher Kam, Jaakko Merilainen y Jane Tukiainen, "Class, Social Mobility, and Voting: Evidence from Historical Voting Records", 4 de enero de 2021.

21-06. David A. Jaeger, Jaime Arellano- Bover, Krzysztof Karbownik,Marta Martínez Matute, John M. Nunley, R. Alan Seals, Jr., Miguel Almunia, Mackenzie alston, Sascha O. Beker, Pilar, Beneito, René Böheim, Jos.e. Boscá, Jessica H. Brown, Simon Chang, Deborah A. Coob-Clark, Shooshan Danagoulian, Sandra Donnally, Marissa Eckrote-Nordland, Lidia Farré, Javier Ferri, Margherita fort, Jane cooley Fruewirth, Rebecca Gelding, Allen C. goodman, Melanie Guldi, Simone Häckl, Janet, Hankin, Scott A. Imberman, Joanna Lahey, Joan Llull, Hani Mansour, Isaac McFarlin, Jaakko Meriläinen, Tove Mortlund, Martin Nybom, Stepehn D. O'Connell, Rupert Sausgruber, Amy Schwartz, Jan Stuhler, Petra Thiemann, Roel Van Veldhuizenmaker,, Marianne H. Wanazenmaker,, Maria Zhu. "IZA DP No. 14419: The Global COVID-19 Student Survey: First Wave Results". Junio de 2021.

21-07. Christian Johansson, Anders Kärnä y Jaakko Meriläinen. "Vox Populi, Vox Dei? Colusión tácita en la política"21 de junio de 2021.

21-08. Jaakko Meriläinen y Jane Tukiainen. "The Advantage of Incumbents in Coalitional Bargaining". 1 de enero de 2021.

21.09 Arturo Aguilar y Marta Vicarelli, "El Niño and children: medium-term effects of early-life weather shocks on cognitive and health outcomes"Revise & Resubmit at World Development. Latest version: June 2021.

21-10 Cristian Sanchez, Paulo Bastos "The Effects of Educated Leaders on Policy and Politics: Quasi-experimental Evidence from Brazil.",  submitted, October 1,2021.

21-11 21-10 Cristian Sanchez, Gabriel Cañedo Riedel, "Supply-side Response to Targeted Vouchers".  submitted, October 6, 2021.