Conferencias y seminarios pasados


University of Geneva

"Farmers to Entrepreneurs."


Sala de Seminarios, Santa Teresa

London School of Economics 

"Aggregating Distributional Treatment Effects: A Bayesian Hierarchical Analysis of the Microcredit."

Studies of microcredit show positive and negative treatment effects at certain quantiles of household outcome distributions. I develop new Bayesian hierarchical models to aggregate the evidence on these effects and assess their generalizability. I provide a broadly-applicable limited-information model enforcing quantile monotonicity via variable transformation. Partially discrete outcomes such as profit are aggregated using full-data mixture models. Across all outcomes I find a precise, generalizable zero effect from the 5th to 75th quantiles, and large yet heterogeneous and uncertain effects on the right tails. Households who had previously operated businesses account for the majority of the impact and the uncertainty.
Sala de Seminarios, Santa Teresa

Harvard University

"School Vouchers, Labor Markets and Vocational Education."

We provide evidence on the long-run impact of vouchers for private secondary schools, evidence collected twenty years after students applied for the vouchers. Prior to the voucher lottery, students applied to either an academic or vocational secondary school, an important mediating factor in the vouchers’ impacts. We find strong tertiary education and labor market effects for those students who applied to vocational schools with almost no impact on those who applied to academic schools. The labor market gains for vocational students are strongest at the top of the distribution and null at the bottom of the distribution. We find additional long-run impacts on consumption and teen-age fertility. The expected net present value of benefits to participants and to taxpayers was large and positive implying that the program was welfare improving unless net externalities were large and negative.

Sala de Seminarios, Santa Teresa

El Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (J-PAL LAC), centro global de investigación que trabaja para reducir la pobreza, y el Centro de Investigación Económica (CIE) del ITAM les invitan a la Conferencia Magistral "Research in Economic and Development: Investments for Change at Scale". En esta conferencia  Michael Kremer, Gates Professor de Developing Societies en el Departamento de Economía de la Universidad de Harvard, presentará acerca de cómo la investigación económica puede ayudar a identificar las soluciones más costo-efectivas para catalizar el cambio social y escalar políticas que impacten la vida de las personas más marginadas del planeta. Kremer, además de ser afiliado de J-PAL, es uno de los economistas más importantes en su campo, miembro de la American Academy of Arts and Sciences, receptor de la beca MacArthur en 1997 y reconocido como un Líder Global Joven por el World Economic Forum. 

En el evento participarán también Claudia Macías, subdirectora de J-PAL LAC  y profesores afiliados e invitados a J-PAL del Departamento Académico de Economía del ITAM.

Auditorio Raúl Baillères, Río Hondo

Southern Methodist University (SMU)

"Credit Attribution and Collaborative Work."

We examine a dynamic model of teamwork in which the public attributes credit for success based on its perception of individual efforts. The collaborative behavior varies starkly depending on the shape of marginal effort cost, or project’s “difficulty.” In the unique (interior) equilibrium, higher ability collaborators work less and thus receive lower credit and payoff for “easy” projects, while the reverse holds for “difficult” projects. Despite free-riding, the team equilibrium may involve over-investment. Social efficiency requires over-rewarding collaborative work and under-rewarding solo work. The incentives to team up and the impact of effort monitoring on credit attribution are also investigated.

Sala de Seminarios, Santa Teresa

El Centro de Investigación Económica y la Representación de Alumnos de Economía les invita a la Conferencia "El Rol del Sector Informal en el Ciclo Económico". Se contará con la presencia del Dr. Carlos Urrutia del CIE.

Esperamos contar con su asistencia.

ITAM, Río Hondo
Salón 101

University of Chicago

"Price Regulation in Credit Markets: A Trade-off between Consumer Protection and Credit Access."

Interest rate caps are widespread in consumer credit markets, yet there is limited evidence on its effects on market outcomes and welfare. Conceptually, the effects of interest rate caps are ambiguous and depend on a trade-off between consumer protection from banks’ market power and reductions in credit access. We exploit a policy in Chile that lowered interest rate caps by 20 percentage points to understand its impacts. Using comprehensive individual-level administrative data, we document that the policy decreased transacted interest rates by 9%, but also reduced the number of loans by 19%. To estimate the welfare effects of this policy, we develop and estimate a model of loan applications, pricing, and repayment of loans. Consumer surplus decreases by an equivalent of 3.5% of average income, with larger losses for risky borrowers. Survey evidence suggests these welfare effects may be driven by decreased consumption smoothing and increased financial distress. Interest rate caps provide greater consumer protection in more concentrated markets, but welfare effects are negative even under a monopoly. Risk-based regulation reduces the adverse effects of interest rate caps, but does not eliminate them.

Sala de Seminarios, Santa Teresa

UC Berkeley

"Towards a General Large Sample Theory for Regularized Estimators"


We present a general framework for studying regularized estimators; such estimators are pervasive in estimation problems wherein "plug-in" type estimators are either ill-defined or ill-behaved. Within this framework, we derive, under primitive conditions, consistency and a generalization of the asymptotic linearity property. We also provide data-driven methods for choosing tuning parameters that, under some conditions, achieve the aforementioned properties. We illustrate the scope of our approach by studying a wide range of applications, revisiting known results and deriving new ones.

Sala de Seminarios, Santa Teresa

Developed by University of Texas at Austin

Main theme:

"Clinical depression and economic behavior: evidence from India"

Sala de Seminarios, Santa Teresa

La oficina para Latinoamérica y el Caribe de Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL LAC) en colaboración con CLEAR y Periodismo CIDE, en el marco de la Semana de la Evaluación 2019, invitan al Taller de Evidencia y Políticas Públicas a llevarse a cabo el 6 de junio de 2018 de 16:00 a 19:00 horas en las instalaciones del Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México. Se hablará sobre el reto que implica la difusión de evidencia rigurosa sobre políticas públicas y se abordarán las dificultades típicas de comunicar información científica en lenguaje asequible a las audiencias.

ITAM, Santa Teresa